Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bad News With Budget

This post is somewhat bad news.

Our original intended budget was supposed to be $2500.
However, this was plan with budget airline and from the 5th to 17th.

However, as you all know, this has changed to Qantas and the airline cost was increased by $200.
Our holiday was also extended from the 4th to 18th.
Due to the extension by 2 days, all costs will approximately increase by $200+. This is taking in account accommodation for 2 nights and expenses for 2 days.

So, as a result, our costs has increased by $400.

Due to the increase in costs, management has decided to retrench some workers.
Just joking =P
Due to the increase in costs, our budget will increase from $2500 to $3000.

On another topic, accommodation, has been discussed alot lately.
I have searched the web and have located a few hostels that are cheap.
These hostels provide 3 different kinds of rooms.
1. Big Dorms with Shared Toilets. These can accommodate about 10 people.
The price of this ranges from $25 - $28.
2. Small Dorms with Shared Toilets. These can accommodate about 4 people.
The price of this ranges from $30 - $35
3. Rooms with Private toilets. These can accommodate 1-4 people.
The price of this ranges from $30(unsure, check back later for confirmation)-$50

As you can see, the prices differs by about $15 to stay in a private room with private toilets.

I leave it up to you guys to choose what kind of rooms you would prefer.
However, as some hotels are nearly fully booked, I hoped you will be able to get back to me asap. We don't want the same thing happening just like our airline tickets.

In the meantime, I will be contacting other hotels/hostels to find the best possible price.
Happy holidays!

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